No member of any Select Committee should have any paid interests which could cause a conflict

  • 11 Jun 2013

It’s not often that I am shocked to the core, but the Tim Yeo affair has left my gob truly smacked. Did I hear him correctly on tape boasting that he told a business colleague what questions his select committee was going to ask? Forgive me but if that’s not coaching then my c...

In the land of the politically blind the swivel eyed loons are kings. A by election in Newark would be a distraction from the Miliband omnishambles

  • 31 May 2013

If I was a Number 10 strategist (discuss) I would be doing my damnedest to prevent Patrick Mercer from causing a by election in Newark. It will be a little while before we know just how daft/venal/pissed he has been, but from reports so far he has been the victim of yet anothe...

When the cat's away the mice will play. The Faragistas must be licking their lips

  • 27 May 2013

I was just about to right an upbeat piece about how proud I was to be British in the aftermath of last week’s horrific events, where the Prime Minister gave a sensible and measured response, how the country came together in restrained grief with that hallmark gritty determinat...

Why I will be demonstrating outside parliament tomorrow to stop the dismantling of our revered criminal justice system

  • 21 May 2013

Tomorrow I am going to Westminster. Not as the victor of a great by election victory. Nor to have a quiet lunch with my friends. But to demonstrate against the government. My government, whose Prime Minister I support and count as a friend. This is not against the EU. This is ...

Whoever made those mad swivel eyed loon remarks should be exposed and given a pat on the back

  • 19 May 2013

Here I was sitting in a little studio in Broadcasting House awaiting the first sheets of the day to review the papers for the splendid Stephen Nolan. It was a pretty slow news day so the Swivel eyed loon story splashed in the Times caught our interest. To be be honest it real...

Some friendly advice for James Wharton

  • 17 May 2013

Downing Street must be heaving an enormous sigh of relief that the hitherto unknown backbencher, James Wharton, won first place on the ballot for introducing a Bill. Sadly, all we know about the chap is that he has a wafer thin majority of 332, is very young, a commercial soli...

The Queen's Speech amendment is venal act of self indulgence. It could be the beginning of the end of the Tories in government for a very long time

  • 13 May 2013

If you walk down to the basement of Conservative HQ you will be confronted by a locked door with the sign emboldened with a skull and crossbones warning, “Danger enter at your peril.” Those who have been brave enough to cross the threshold tell me that the room is empty save f...

The uncomfortable truth about rape

  • 10 May 2013

I seem to have created a furore on twitter about comments I was alleged to make on Question Time last night about rape. I think it only right to put the record straight. There was a question from the audience asking whether the panel thought the names of those arrested should ...

In praise of Jackie Doyle Price for giving the Kippers the swivel finger in a seat that would think Ghengis Khan was a dangerous lefty

  • 5 May 2013

The electorate have spoken. Or rather the thirty percent who bothered to get off their backsides and vote have. But what were they saying? Was it that nice Mr. Farage has got some very sensible well thought out and costed proposals which will get this economy moving? Sadly, no...

UKIP's gains will be illusory and short lived. Remember what happened to the SDP

  • 2 May 2013

It would be very helpful if some of our more excitable backbenchers before they do a very passable corporal Jones of not panicking took a deep breath, poured themselves a large scotch and read a little history. In 1981 the SDP was born. They broke the mould of British politics...