We can't go on sending mixed messages about immigration

  • 20 Feb 2013

I have absolutely no evidence for this nor even a snippet of tea room gossip, but my waters tell me that there looks like the beginning of a turf war between Number 10 and the Home Office. Let me explain why. The control of immigration, or rather lack of it, is an issue that i...

The casual homophobia of David Jones is very depressing. To say that gay couples as are incapable of providing warmth and affection as parents will cause great hurt to a lot of decent people

  • 16 Feb 2013

Some of you may not of heard of David Jones MP. Apparently he is the Secretary of State for Wales. He first crossed my radar on the Stephen Nolan show on 5 Live last night. He is the fellow who quite casually, live on air, uttered the rather chilling words that gay couples are...

That bloody omnivore "I'll eat anything" Paterson better keep away from my cats

  • 15 Feb 2013

Imagine the scene. David Cameron is chill axing in his study at Downing Street. He has just finished a challenging hour of zapping angry birds and has given up trying to slice those pesky coconuts on Fruit Ninja. His PPS pours him another refreshing glass of General Galtieri 1...

Jeremy Hunt has learned an important lesson in politics; Who Cares Wins. He must now put it into practice

  • 10 Feb 2013

When Jeremy Hunt was promoted to Health Secretary I was one of the first to write that this was an inspired appointment. Rather a lot of people tweeted suggesting that this was proof that I should be sent off to the Priory for a long holiday. But I might just have been right. ...

A glittering night out with Iain Dale a lake of bubbly,political stars and some wicked gossip

  • 8 Feb 2013

I normally regard attending book awards as a bit of a chore. Sipping warm white wine with intense and and sometimes very dull authors is not my idea of a barrel load of laughs. So trekking over to the Political Book Awards filled my heart with dread. But as it was organised by...

Huhne made Alan B'Stard look like a shining beacon of truth and principle but he doesn't deserve to be separated from the love of his son for the rest of his life

  • 5 Feb 2013

I have long been of the view that ministers of the crown should be made to read one Greek tragedy a month. It would improve their knowledge of history and remind them of their political mortality. For Chris Huhne it may have been his salvation. If he had not humiliated his Gre...

The Huhne trial could have some very interesting repercussions. If a Tory by election candidate can give a clear election commitment not to wank himself to death they could be in with a shout

  • 1 Feb 2013

This has not been a good week for politics or politicians. Both the Lib Dems and Labour were committed to more equal constituency boundaries and for the most venal, partisan and odious reasons they cast whatever principles they might have possessed into the poisoned well of op...

The bedroom tax is not about shagging but rather more worrying

  • 29 Jan 2013

When my best mate Nigel Nelson, veteran political editor of the PEOPLE, emailed me about his campaign to water down ‘the bedroom tax’, I thought the old boy had finally flipped. Was this was some mad red top spin that the government had finally started taxing shagging? Such wo...

Should Cameron be Afriyie, very Afriyie? Nah, he's onto a winner

  • 27 Jan 2013

What on earth does Adam Afriyie think he is playing at? He is personable, bright and wealthy through his own efforts. His friends say that he was merely putting down a marker for the Tory leadership. But he will find that not too many of them will wish to be seen with him too ...