The Cox advice is neither sinister nor devastating just explaining the bloody obvious. To say that Northern Ireland should be treated no differently than the rest of the U.K. is a fantasy. It always has been.

  • 6 Dec 2018

If anyone bothers to read the full text of the Attorney General’s advice they will be shocked at how uncontroversial it is. There is nothing there that hasn’t been trailed or leaked for weeks. However, there are three stupidities surrounding it’s publication that need to be ad...

If the May Agreement is voted down we are on a one way ticket to economic hell. But I am not buying my hand cart yet

  • 29 Nov 2018

Is it too much to ask politicians to behave like grown ups? Is it such a terrible ask for them to tell us the truth? And why is it impossible for the sneering rabid mob that support Mogg and his peculiars to realise that the emperor is stark bollock naked? Lastly, do we get th...

Oh, ERGs you stupid boys, they don’t like it up ‘em. Doomed, doomed you are all doomed. Don’t tell him your name Johnson

  • 21 Nov 2018

The most terrible fate for any politician who desperately seeks to be taken seriously and passionately feels that the fate of his party and his country lies in his wisdom is to become the butt of national ridicule. It is political death by a thousand cuts. And it is a gift tha...

Mogg and his barmy army have created a powerful and dangerous enemy which will be their nemesis. Nothing is deadlier than the MAIL

  • 17 Nov 2018

On Thursday like all political anoraks I had Sky on in the background as I tried to work and saw the whole repulsive freak show unfold. It was weirdly hypnotic, like watching a mixture of Jeremy Kyle cock fighting with a bated badger. It is rather strange that Parliament has b...

Jo Johnson is a good and decent man. His resignation was principled but ultimately futile

  • 10 Nov 2018

I am rather fed up with the line that Brexit ‘is the worst crisis since Suez’, simply because it’s not. Brexit is far worse than Suez. Suez confirmed that Britain was no longer a world power. Brexit confirms that by cutting ourselves adrift from the EU our influence on world a...

My confession. I am subject to an NDA but I feel no shame

  • 27 Oct 2018

It is sad, if not tragic, to see the reputation of an able and decent man ripped to shreds by the press over a serious error of judgement. Oh, I am not talking about that greasy old tub of libidinous lard Philip Green. His tawdry excuse for a reputation sank without trace with...

It’s time that the Puritans read Thatcher’s Bruges speech and not just the spin. The ‘it’ that May must get on with is what made Thatcher a great negotiator. Compromise.

  • 19 Oct 2018

Perhaps if politicians read less columnists and understood more history they could sleep easier in their beds and be happier in their own skins. Before Madame settles down for kip tonight she should be reassured by the words of John Major in his memoirs. “Was there something I...

Mother Courage has found her voice and will lead the Tories as long as the opinion polls show that she is the person to beat Corbyn

  • 5 Oct 2018

What on earth happened to the shy, retiring, awkward, Theresa May? Was this a transformation or has the confident, slightly humorous one always been lurking there but has never been given a voice? I suspect the latter. I was in Number 10 a few weeks ago and met her for the fir...

To encourage the boycott of the Guardian is not just stupid it is a sinister and dangerous attack on the press and the freedom of speech

  • 28 Sep 2018

Sometimes I am amazed at how naive I can be. I honestly thought that Johnson would tone down his sociopathic leadership ambitions until after the party conference. I had hoped that he saw the threat of a Corbyn government as a clear and present danger to our economy, our secur...

Titanium Teresa has been forged from the fires of Salzburg. The lady is not for burning.

  • 22 Sep 2018

Yesterday was Teresa May’s moment. It was not something that was planned. It wasn’t a stunt. It wasn’t a strategy. It was raw visceral anger. For the very first time we the public had a glimpse of the real May. Not awkward. Not shy. Not reciting some sound bite like a funereal...