Well, I suppose it’s not all over for Sunak until Therese Coffey sings. Oh, don’t laugh too heartily, dear old Therese has serious form for her Karaoke appearances. The trouble is that despite being clearly the most competent candidate and best suited to be prime minister Rish...
I have never quite understood the attraction of Penny Mordaunt to party members & MPs. Well, in the last few days it has taken a knock. The omnipresent Lord Frost put his hobnail in, as did Lord Moylan, perhaps not always the sanest of our legislators. That was all about c...
Predicting Conservative leadership elections is neither an art nor a science. At best it’s guesswork based on who has a grudge, who wants a job and who wants to be on the winning side. Mostly all three. But let’s have a think for a moment what the winning side should be. The o...
So the old fox still lives in the hen house despite a promise to turn vegan for a couple of months. The Daily Mail in truly Daily Mash style accuses narcissistic MPs of getting rid of the Conservatives’ ‘greatest electoral asset’. The front page is a joy, ‘what have they done?...
For the first time in his life Boris Johnson is suffering from a severe case of electile dysfunction. And two hundred and eleven of the blue chappies won’t save him from the disappointment of not being able to raise his game. The poor fellow puts the dick into predicta...
The Prime minister’s performance at the despatch box today was the most shameful that it has ever been my misfortune to witness. Arrogant, cocky, oozing ersatz contrition with all the honour and sincerity of a snake oil salesman. He even had the nerve to turn the blame on Star...
I am not a Labour supporter nor ever could be. But I do feel sorry for Keir Starmer. He is bright, decent and as honest as any senior politician seeking the highest office in the land is allowed to be. He has made Labour electable by appointing a sensible and competent shadow...
I genuinely feel very sorry for Members of Parliament. The overwhelming majority are hard working, decent sorts who genuinely want to do the best for their constituents. Yet they have to put up with abuse on social media, the scorn of the general public, rubbish pay and are ex...
Despite his bombastic, venal, morally vacuous, self centred, narcissistic copper bottomed shitery where his relationship with the truth is at best adulterous, there is one very good reason that Johnson should be allowed cling to office for a little while longer. Liz Truss; the...
I haven’t blogged for the last couple of months as there has hardly been a day when I haven’t worked for at least thirteen hours or a weekend where I have had much, if any, free time. Like most practitioners at the criminal bar I am physically and mentally exhausted. Not enou...